Hello everyone,

Have you ever heard of static cling? I have this friend who loves to wear dry fit T-shirts, especially for her workout. The other day, she was experiencing a major case of “static cling”. For those of you who are not 100% sure what exactly static cling is, Bing describes it as ” the adhering of a garment to the wearer’s body or to another garment, caused by a buildup of static electricity.” It is VERY ANNOYING!
Here are a few tips for you at home who’d like to get rid of their static cling:

1. Take a metal coat hanger and slide it through your garment, right before you wear it. This will remove the static and you can wear your dry-fit T-shirt “cling free”.
2. Spray a little bit of hair spray onto your clothing. I wouldn’t suggest doing this on any expensive materials, but it will fight the static on your clothes just like it fights it on your hair. – I bet you didn’t expect this one!
3. Add moisture into the mix. Static builds as dry materials rub together. If you put a wet wash cloth into the dryer for the last few minutes of your dryer cycle, it can help reduce or even eliminate static cling.
4. Finally, you can purchase a static guard in most larger stores. Just spray it onto your clothing and it will eliminate your static cling immediately. I would test it on fabric before using it, but you can usually spray it on silk, satin, wool, and yes even dry-fit clothing.

We hope that these European Clean Team tips will help you live a static-cling-free life!

Tanja Malkovich