To most people, cleaning is something boring, unpleasant and annoying- unless you are a clean-freak and loooove to do housework.

Re-think ! Don’t view cleaning as bothersome but as part of your daily, much needed EXERCISE! The thought of burning calories while scrubbing the bathtub or vacuuming the entire house will motivate you to start and keep you going until your house is sparkly clean. In addition to that, you are releasing stress and your family will appreciate your hard work!

Vacuum, Duster, Sneakers, GO!     woman-304646_640

Set a timer to at least 45 minutes, the minimum amount of time a moderate work-out should last to be effective. Turn on your favorite work-out music for more fun, distraction and of course to sing along!

Here are some tips to build into your cleaning routine, which will raise your heart rate and work your muscles:

STAIRS… if you have stairs in your home, take two steps at a time when walking up- every time!

WINDOWS…. Clean all of your windows to work out your arms. Make sure you are switching arms to use both sides.

VACUUM… vacuum your entire house to get your heart pumping. Remember to keep your back straight!

PICKING UP…. squat down when picking up the laundry basket or cleaning supplies. No bending over! While you are at it, add another 15 squats just for fun.

COUNTERS…. While cleaning counters in the kitchen or bathroom, do calf raises!

FLOORS… get on your hands and knees to clean/ scrub your floors. Make sure you are switching from one hand to the other to work both arms and shoulders.

DUSTING… in between every completed room, get on your forearms/ hands and toes to hold a plank as long as you can!

PACE…. Work fast but efficient! You want to work up a sweat and feel like you exercised when you are finished.

Have fun cleaning :-)
