Monthly Archives: October 2018

Getting your house ready for a Halloween party

Is it your turn to host a Halloween party this year? Don’t worry. We have the perfect advice so you don’t have to stress about whipping your house into party shape.

1. Start a few days before the party and check a couple of tasks off your list, daily.
2. Take a look at your house from […]

By |October 12th, 2018|General|Comments Off on Getting your house ready for a Halloween party

Reduce, re-use and organize…

An organized home is much easier to clean and to keep clean than a messy and cluttered home.
The European Clean Team suggests…reduce, re-use, and definitely take the time to organize! We understand that this doesn’t seem like the most fun and exciting task for you to do with your time, but we promise- it will […]

By |October 4th, 2018|General|Comments Off on Reduce, re-use and organize…