Monthly Archives: November 2015

Magic Erasers are magical…

We all love and use it a lot around the house: The Magic Eraser… a magical white sponge that can tackle many different areas of your home when you clean. It’s amazing how well it works and it’s fun to learn in which ways it can be helpful to you.

These are some of the European […]

By |November 12th, 2015|General|Comments Off on Magic Erasers are magical…

How to clean stainless steel appliances

There are several questions we get asked time and time again during our free in-home estimates. Here is one of them: “How do you clean stainless steel appliances, correctly?”

First of, a good rule of thumb that you should always keep in mind: “Less is more”.

The European Clean Team knows that stainless steel is a popular […]

By |November 3rd, 2015|General|Comments Off on How to clean stainless steel appliances